Animation, or the more familiar animated film called, is a film that is the result of image processing so that the hand into a moving image. At the beginning of his invention, an animated film made of sheets of drawing paper and then the "play" so that the effect of moving pictures appeared. With the help of computers and computer graphics, animation movie making becomes very easy and fast. Even recently appeared more animated than the 3D 2D animated film. (source: wikipedia)
Before creating 3D animation, are obliged to make the model used. In making the 3D model, the concept is the need to support the message can be received as possible. The concept is also supported in animation modeling, eg character or moral support environmental messages (upin and ipin). After a concept has beed created to support in making 3D animation, character formation of the next step. This step was needed skill and imagination, where imagination is the most dominant in the manufacture of characters that would support the concept that has been determined. Also defined skills in 3D modelling, namely formation of character in a variety of software or in other words the skill to use software that supports the formation of 3D characters. In the formation of character can use some 3D images also be made into a 3D character, such as the following picture
many of pictures, can be made into 3D and the image was it.
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